Year 9 Options Evening and Parents’ Evening
As you are aware, we took the decision to postpone our options evening and parents’ evening in light of the COVID restrictions at the time and to allow our pupils to study their Key Stage 3 subjects for as long as possible before making these important decisions.
We are pleased to inform you of the new dates for these two events which will both support you and your child when making their choices about the course they wish to study at Key Stage 4 (GCSEs).
Thursday 10 March - Options Evening in school 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
This will involve a presentation in the school hall about the options process and progression routes into further education and training to all parents and pupils, followed by a carousel of 20 minute subject presentations for parents and pupils to attend.
Main presentation: School Hall 6:00pm prompt start
Subject presentations: 6:25pm, 6:50pm, 7:15pm & 7:40pm
Ms Cottam, our careers advisor, and Ms Evans our SENDCO will also be available on the evening.
Thursday 17 March - Year 9 Parents’ Evening on School Cloud 4:00pm to 7:00pm.
This provides you with a final opportunity to discuss your child’s academic progress to date and ask any follow up questions regarding KS4 study.
Monday 21 March - Deadline for options forms to be submitted by pupils 3:05pm.